
Lecture 2 - Slides

This is an embedded slide show that will show you a few tricks.

The embedding is via an html iframe that points to the built path (all the slides are rendered into the slideshows directory at the root level of the book)

<iframe src="../slideshows/example_slide_deck2.reveal.html" title="Slideshow" width=100%, height=500, allowfullscreen></iframe>


This is the source code for the slide deck. It is mostly (reveal-md) markdown with 1) a yaml header that has reveal options in it, 2) html tags that use reveal.js styling. Note that it is relatively easy to make a few slides this way but more than this can become complicated.

separator: '<--o-->  '
verticalSeparator: '<--v-->'
#    transition: 'fade'

    slideNumber: true
    width:  1100
    height: 750
    margin: 0.07

# Slides

- Louis Moresi
- Australian National University


## Slide 2

Typically, we have one or two images on a slide 

<img class="r-stretch" data-src="images/LithosphereThickness.png">

and text that explains what is going on. 
The markdown image tags are limiting but `reveal.js` has image
classes that can be used directly without too much bother:

<img class="r-stretch" data-src="images/LithosphereThickness.png">


## Slide 3

Animations / styling work using `reveal.js` classes 

<p class="fragment">Fade in</p>
<p class="fragment fade-out">Fade out</p>
<p class="fragment highlight-red">Highlight red</p>
<p class="fragment fade-in-then-out">Fade in, then out</p>
<p class="fragment fade-up">Slide up while fading in</p>


## Slide 4 Math

Mathematics via *mathjax*

$$ e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0$$

With inline available ($e^{i\pi} = -1$) as well


## Slide 5 Vertical slides

Reveal has vertical sub-stacks that you can divert through

 - Vertical stack 1


## Slide 5.1 Vertical slides

Reveal has vertical sub-stacks that you can divert through

 - Vertical stack 2


## Slide 5.2 Vertical slides

Reveal has vertical sub-stacks that you can divert through

![Earth](images/LithosphereThickness.png) <!-- .element height="50%" width="50%" -->
